Tenebrae, 1999, lead and steel

Abyss, 2005, brick, steel and epoxy resin

Shibboleth, 2007, concrete and metal

Pegaria Muda, 2008, wood, mineral compound, cement and grass

Untitled, 2008, wood, metal, and concrete

Doris Salcedo’s work utilizes everyday materials by taking an object and turning it into something else. The viewer is able to see how two or more objects have joined into something new and imaginary. In the piece, Pelgaria Muda, I enjoyed her manipulation of place. The tables have created a place for nature that is unexpected! As the grass grows the maintenance or lack there of changes the work adding an element of performance to the piece. I also enjoyed the mood that was created in Abyss. The feeling of being enclosed and in darkness created a strong emotional place beyond that of the actual work. When looking at it you can truly get a sense of being in the deep sea.